Is it still possible to rebuild life in the ocean?

We know that rebuilding the world’s oceans is a very ambitious mission. But we also know that it is possible and above all necessary if we want to secure our sustainable global future. According to a recent scientific study (Duarte et al., 2020, Rebuilding marine life. Nature 580: 39-51), we still have time to restore most of the key marine flora and fauna by 2050. This takes into account that there are slow-growing species and highly threatened habitats that may take longer.

And even if the odds are low, there is increasing evidence that significant progress has been made in marine conservation. What has simply been missing so far is reporting these success stories and bringing them to the attention of the general public.

To access the scientific article please click here

In reality, there are not five oceans and more than fifty seas: it is all one and the same ocean. Although geographers recognize five oceans, they form a single body of water that is traversed by a powerful current, like a giant conveyor belt. And what about the Mediterranean, the Red Sea or other seas we know? After all, they are just parts of this one global ocean. The Mediterranean is connected to the Atlantic by the Strait of Gibraltar, while the Red Sea is part of the Indian Ocean.

Only through sound science can our actions to rebuild marine life be maximally effective. The participation of society in this process is ultimately necessary to ensure that this rebuilding is not only possible but can be lived and sustained in the long term.

“A complete ocean refers to one whose life-supporting processes are fully available, and which are necessary in order to be functioning as a whole: it supports efficient food webs, sequesters carbon, defends shorelines, safely recycles elements, maintains populations, and is resilient to change and impacts.  A depleted ocean, such as the present state of ocean, is incomplete and empty in many ways, as dead zones proliferate, ecosystems are lost, and the remaining life is more vulnerable to future changes, whether inflicted by natural or human impact.

To achieve completeness, we need to increase the abundance of key habitats and key species and restore the three-dimensional complexity of benthic ecosystems.”

Carlos Duarte, Chief Scientist Ocean us, 2022

Ocean us, in its strategy to achieve its vision, has created a unique approach called the “3-Unit-Working-Approach” that represents the priorities to act and the importance to unify the needs of the ocean with those of the economy and people in every one of its projects.

Even if each unit has its own area of responsibility, they work together in an integrated and inseparable way. The following defines the area of activity of each unit:

BLUE UNIT: Rebuilding Marine Life

BROWN UNIT: Building an Ocean-Positive Economy

GREEN UNIT: Building an Ocean-Connected Society

Ocean us is an international foundation with an agile and lean structure that can operate quickly and efficiently from a central location anywhere in the world. Liechtenstein was deliberately chosen because it has been recognized by the Global Philanthropy Environment Index (GPEI) as the best country in the world for philanthropic engagement. With the TVTG and the Ordinance on the Token and Trusted Technology Service Provider Act, Liechtenstein is one of the first countries to have a legal framework that regulates the entire life cycle of crypto assets of all kinds. This is especially important because Ocean us is also focused on incorporating the latest technologies into its work.

With Ocean us, Liechtenstein is setting an example for the world. After all, no one would expect a landlocked country to set up a foundation to restore the ocean. Liechtenstein demonstrates one thing above all else: visionary power. Because it does not take a coastline to realize that the ocean is vital to life on this planet.

Absolutely. At Ocean us we have initiated the development of a compliance program with the goal of placing – at the core of our operations – an emphasis on responsible behavior on the part of all of us who make up the foundation, as well as all of our collaborators, including all organizations, businesses, and institutions with whom we have a direct relationship. This amounts to integrating an authentic culture of compliance into the entire organization.

At Ocean us we are Radical Hopers because we have the radical hope that we can rebuild life in the ocean. Our radical hope arises from the refusal to accept being told that there is no solution to the climate and biodiversity crisis, a hope that drives our actions persistently until we have reached our goal: restoring our basis of life, the ocean, to its functional completeness.

Our actions are always rooted in knowledge and love, giving us the necessary impulse to be successful in our actions.

First of all, thank you very much for considering supporting our ambitious mission. You can make your donation directly on the Ocean us website by clicking here. Every contribution, whether regular or one-time, actively contributes to rebuilding marine life. The area of ​​private donations constitutes an important source of income for our foundation. Your donation not only secures the sustainability of our activities, but, above all, grants us independence in developing our projects.

Because there exists a very special relationship between humans and the ocean that is key if we are to restore the completeness of our ocean. Only by fostering a relationship of mutual strength, can we achieve a positive impact for both sides, strengthening environmental aspects without harming or altering the marine environment.

Corporates are very welcome at Ocean us, as the private sector plays an essential role in driving ocean recovery. We have developed several collaborative options of global impact, differing in scope. Please contact us to discuss further. We would be very happy to hear from you and dive deeper with you into how we can best work together on this ambitious mission.

Creating consciousness of the ocean plays a key role, because the solution to its rebuilding does not just come from politics or technology alone. Instead, it has its origin in a social culture that decidedly welcomes a true commitment to the ocean by positively influencing politics, business, and science to achieve its goals.

Ocean us designs only global projects to solve the problem on a planetary scale. As such, it develops its action and impact-driven global projects based on cutting-edge science, always with the sole objective of restoring the ocean in the most efficient and timely manner, in a way that benefits the economy and the people.

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