Coral reefs are the first ecosystem threatened by functional extinction. An ocean without functioning coral reefs is unthinkable and therefore unacceptable, as one in four species in the ocean depends on healthy reefs, as does the direct livelihood of more than 500 million people worldwide.
It is time to turn the tide, and to do so before the window of opportunity for action is closed. This will require a historic, globally coordinated effort to move from passive conservation and management to active intervention. Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and other passive conservation measures, which have already protected about 46% of tropical coral reefs, will be unable to prevent coral bleaching in the face of projected temperature extremes. While MPAs are absolutely essential, they cannot stop the ocean heat waves being driven by climate change.
Rebuilding Marine Life
Building an Ocean Positive Economy
Creating Marine Consciousness and New Blue Culture
Ocean us has recognized that we have no other choice but to break through our current boundaries and mindsets and make it possible to save the coral reefs worldwide that are needed for a fully functioning ocean ecosystem. That is why Ocean us has developed a work plan for transformational change to implement industrial-scale coral reef restoration across the world.
The Ocean us work plan represents a sustained focus on transforming the maj
Science & Technology
Advance, test, and upscale:
Local communities
Empower, improve, and upscale:
New coral economy of the first sustainable generation
Ocean us Foundation
Liechtensteiner Landesbank LLB
OCEAN US Foundation
Austrasse 14
9495 Triesen
Legal Form: Foundation I Domicile: 9495 Triesen I Registration:
Tax Identification Number (TIN): 2678662