Blue Forest Rebuild

The world's most ambitious projects to restore blue forests worldwide, being a real blue carbon accelerator

The need

Blue forests are one of the most biodiverse marine ecosystems and the most intense carbon sinks in the biosphere. Blue forests are coastal marine ecosystems such as mangrove forests, seagrass meadows and saltmarshes.

These blue carbon ecosystems are essential and indispensable to efficiently counteract climate change through both mitigation and adaptation, since they also play a key role in coastal protection. But we have already lost 30-50% of their global extent. Thus, conserving and restoring our blue forests, as important carbon ecosystems, provides a fundamental pathway for climate action while generating multiple co-benefits, like protecting the shoreline, supporting productive food webs and improving water quality.

If we want to recover the blue forests of our oceans, we must change from passive management measures to active rebuilding intervention. Only mangrove restoration projects have been done on a larger scale, but not the restoration of seagrass meadows and saltmarshes, with a focus on long-term goals. Mangroves and saltmarshes have been mapped globally and priority areas identified, but this does not apply to seagrass meadows.

At OCEAN US we drive large-scale projects with a long-term view to save our blue forests globally, giving us space to innovate in methods, technology, and knowledge to succeed.


Start rebuilding up to 30% of the damaged and lost blue forests worldwide by 2030.

With this goal, we set a very high ambition and are in line with the official target set within the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) to have restoration completed or underway on at least 30% of degraded terrestrial, inland waters, and coastal and marine ecosystems. The following graph shows the objectives per Unit:

The Ocean us Fibonacci goal 1 per unit

3 Units

Blue Unit

Rebuilding Marine Life

Start Rebuilding 30% of the damaged and lost blue forest worldwide by 2030

Brown Unit

Building an Ocean Positive Economy

Start building a real Blue Carbon market for the ecosystem service of blue forest by 2030

Green Unit

Creating Marine Consciousness and New Blue Culture

Start building a new blue culture around rebuilding blue forest by 2030
You can access more information and deepen your knowledge by accessing any of these links.

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Ocean us is building a network of implementation hubs around the globe. Potential partners have been pre-selected and will begin work this year.

The Solution

Rebuilding blue forests at scale in phases working all together on a global scale

Rebuilding damaged blue forests worldwide on a large scale in cooperation with project owners and governments for the benefit of the economy and people. To accommodate this large-scale project, it is divided into phases. Phase 1 will begin in 2024.
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9495 Triesen

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